Sebastian's Team
Lindsey Watrous / FOXG1 Fundraising Teams

November is FOXG1 awareness month! 🧡🦊🧡 Sebastian was diagnosed with FOXG1 syndrome & bilateral vocal cord paralysis along with paralysis of the larynx ‘ Airway malacia Microcephalic ‘ Cortical blindness & a few other medical conditions as well all conditions having to due with his FoxG1 diagnosis when he was 6 months old He is now 3 years old and is severely impacted by his conditions he has seizures inability to control body movements ‘ lack of speech he is not able to walk , talk ' sit & suffers from many breathing issues as well he has a feeding tube along with a trach & was put in to hospice & palliative care a little over a year ago Sebastian has since than come so far in his journey I am so proud of the little boy he has become He is resilient determined & a never ending fighter He is always extremely happy smiling & laughing his good days forever outweighs his bad he has given myself & his family the most priceless perspective on life FOXG1 is a key to understanding many brain-related disorders let’s help these beautiful kids like Sebastian in finding a cure ❤️🧡💖
#Mylittlehero #FOXG1 #FOXG1awareness #FacesofFOXG1 #Sebastianstrong
Recent Transactions
Zachuriah Cash
$30.00 / 476 days ago
Deborah Bailey
$50.00 / 478 days ago
Jordan Alava
$25.00 / 479 days ago
Cathy Anderson
$50.00 / 490 days ago
Mary King
$10.00 / 492 days ago
Jordyn Shields
$25.00 / 492 days ago
Prayers for Sebastian, his family, and to all who is supportive of him.
Paul Nichols
$250.00 / 493 days ago
Lindsey Watrous
$50.00 / 493 days ago
We love you so much baby boy will forever be your biggest supporters 🫶🏼🥺🧡🦊