November is FOXG1 awareness month! 🧡🦊🧡 Sebastian was diagnosed with FOXG1 syndrome & bilateral vocal cord paralysis along with paralysis of the larynx ‘ Airway malacia Microcephalic ‘ Cortical blindness & a few other medical conditions as well all conditions having to due with his FoxG1 diagnosis when he was 6 months old He is now 3 years old and is severely impacted by his conditions he has seizures inability to control body movements ‘  lack of speech he is not able to walk , talk ' sit & suffers from many breathing issues as well he has a feeding tube along with a trach & was put in to hospice & palliative care a little over a year ago Sebastian has since than come so far in his journey I am so proud of the little boy he has become He is resilient determined & a never ending fighter He is always extremely happy smiling & laughing his good days forever outweighs his bad he has given myself & his family the most priceless perspective on life FOXG1 is a key to understanding many brain-related disorders let’s help these beautiful kids like Sebastian in finding a cure ❤️🧡💖

#Mylittlehero #FOXG1 #FOXG1awareness #FacesofFOXG1 #Sebastianstrong 

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About Sebastian's Team

This is our Official Team Fundraising page! Our support team is so incredible and has helped us get to this exciting stage in our research strategy when we can start testing therapies on models! Now we are raising the money that will help us get to clinical trials! Thank you SO much for your support. You are all part of our TEAM!

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