Noah's Team - Courageous Noah

Channell Cox-Lee / FOXG1 Fundraising Teams

Since Noahs diagnosis we was thrown into a world of unknown. But we have found a fantastic fox family. Aswell as helping fund vital research into helping Noah, we are helping and supporting everyone in our Fox family. Every little helps to help these Fox fighters 🦊❤️
  • $396


  • $1,000


  • 7


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About Noah's Team - Courageous Noah

Our little fox is called Noah. His parents are Channell and Terry. He has a older brother and sister they are Leo and Kaitlyn. We are from Essex, UK. Most people have never heard of FOXG1 syndrome. It is a rare genetic disorder. Like many disorders it has different forms, you can have a deleted gene, mutated gene ect. This makes research that more important. FOXG1 is rare, but just because it’s rare doesn’t mean it’s doesn’t effect people. We have found a fantastic fox family. We are from all over the world. Noah was diagnosed when he was just over a year, it took our family into a spin. Unfortunately because of its rarity and the other problems and conditions and go hand in hand it FOXG1 Noah has spent lots of time with doctors and hospitals. They have been fantastic, he has great equipment to help him with his daily needs and to help him eat. Our goal with this research is to find a cure for FOXG1, to help provide better know therapies, medications to improve the quality of life for our foxs. Please if you like to know more about FOXG1 don’t hesitate to ask I’m happy to answer questions. Noah also has his own Facebook page to show people what his life like and for people to learn about FOXG1. Just vist Courageous Noah Please if you can help us reach our Goal. So we then can reach our end goal this would be amazing. Thank you for all your support 🦊

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