"Hello, Welcome to Clarissa’s Team Page. Clarissa is the most amazing, strong, loving and happy girl ever. Her smile is so contagious and can make you smile even on your worse day. "
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Clarissa is 6 years old and was diagnosed with Foxg1 when she was about 1. It all started when we noticed at 6 months that she couldn’t sit or hold her head up. One of my physicians recommended getting her a workout with neurology. After a clear MRI and normal micro-ray analysis we were referred to genetics where they ran a few different types of syndrome test. After a few coming back negative the Foxg1 came back the winner. It was hard for us because when we joined the Foxg1 group there were not a lot of diagnosis and not a lot of information about it. Thankfully with the help of Facebook groups and our research group we are learning so much everyday. We are hoping to get donations to help cure Foxg1. Any help is appreciated. Thank you, Clarissa and her family. 

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