Finn’s FOXG1 Fight

Stevie Botti / FOXG1 Fundraising Teams

FOXG1 is an incredibly rare disease, but we are very hopeful that we will find a cure for our Finn.  The FOXG1 Research Foundation is leading the charge and we intend to support them in every way we can.

  • $112,940


  • $150,000


  • 85


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About Finn’s FOXG1 Fight

Finn is our FOXG1 fighter! Finn is 4 years old and is a happy, silly boy who has the BEST smile and laugh and awesome eyelashes! He amazes us everyday with his strength, perseverance and grit despite the challenges of FOXG1 syndrome. 

Finn is globally delayed. He is unable to sit or stand without assistance for more than 20 seconds and relies on alternative methods of communication (e.g., switches, gestures, vocalizations, eye gaze, etc.). He suffers from movement disorders that impact his everyday life; specifically, he has hyperkinetic movements (i.e., unwanted and excess movements) and dystonia (i.e., potentially painful muscle spasms). Finn struggles with both reflux and constipation and relies on medication to assist with these bodily functions. 

The FOXG1 Research Foundation has given our family hope and a supportive community. We believe in their mission and the scientists and know that we are so close to finding successful therapies for our Finn and all the other individuals living with FOXG1 syndrome globally. 

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