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About Gianna's Team

Thank you for supporting Gianna and all the FOXG1 children out there. 

Gianna Concetta ("Gigi"), our 14 month old little girl with fox-like red hair, was diagnosed with FOXG1 Syndrome in January 2021. Though an initial shock to us, the diagnosis explained a lot of the challenges of her first year of life: Gianna's difficulty with sleeping and eating, and inability to meet typical developmental milestones like sitting up, holding toys, crawling, and babbling.  Still, Gianna is a tenacious little girl: She wants to do everything and tries so hard.  She's been a pugilist since she was in the womb, and she's a little fighter to this very day.  With a rigorous regimen of therapies---physical, occupational, speech, feeding---we hope that someday she will walk and talk.

At the same time, we hope to help in the effort of fundraising 1.5 million dollars to begin the testing FDA approved drugs and gene therapies for FOXG1 syndrome, which could bring us one step closer to a cure. 

More than anything, we ask for your prayers.  We ask firstly that you go to Mary, the Mother of God, and to St. Joseph, whose year we are presently celebrating.  We also ask you to consider seeking the intercession of the newly venerable Dr. Jerome Lejeune, the geneticist who discovered trisomy 21.

Trusting in God's Providence, we know that caring for Gianna (and soon her little sibling!) is part & parcel of our vocation to marriage, and that the many occasions for self-sacrifice that our children will afford us are blessings: They are opportunities for sanctification, chances for us, by the Grace of God, to become holy in our calling as a married couple.  And for this, we thank God, to whom we owe everything and in whom we place our ultimate trust.

Courtney & Zach

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