Our mission on Sara's fundraising team is to raise money to support research for those affected by FoxG1 syndrome.
  • $3,811


  • $1,000


  • 37


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About Sara's Story

My sister, Sara, is a beautiful and joyful young girl who has a love for sports, music, and eating. She also loves cheering, watching Dancing with the Stars, and performing on stage. Sara has a genetic misspelling in her FOXG1 gene. She experiences trouble with movement, is nonverbal, non-ambulatory, and has seizures. Even though she deals with these issues everyday, it does not stop her from leading a fun and happy life. No matter what is going on Sara always has a smile on her face that will light up any room. I want to create a world for Sara where she can sing and dance whenever she wants or hold a conversation without the need of a computer to translate her thoughts into words. I want a world for Sara where she can achieve her dreams. Please help me in raising money for the FoxG1 Research Foundation, so Sara and others can experience the world that I envision.
More about FoxG1: https://foxg1research.org/foxg1syndrome

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