Join us to help fund the scientists who are working on a cure and therapies to give all FOXG1 children the life they deserve.
  • $4,585


  • $100,000


  • 29


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About Summit Erridge

Summit was diagnosed with FOXG1 Syndrome at 22 months old. She is currently working hard on achieving the ability to walk and talk and we know her determination and continued efforts at physical, occupational and speech therapy will get her there. She is the happiest and most curious little girl whose favorite activities involve chasing her dogs around the house and playing outside. This is Summit’s Official Team Fundraising page. Our support team is so incredible and has helped us get to this exciting stage in our research strategy when we can start testing therapies on models. Now we are raising the money that will help us get to clinical trials! Thank you so much for your support. You are all part of our TEAM.

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