Caleb is 17 months old and is severely affected by FOXG1 syndrome. He has seizures almost every week, cannot roll or sit, and struggles to eat baby food. But he is incredibly sweet, loves to giggle at Daddy, and loves to cuddle. 

I dream of him one day saying “Mama!” and “I love you.” I dream of him being able to walk, communicating his needs through speech or technology, and eating food without struggling. 

Please consider helping us find treatments for FOXG1 syndrome so Caleb and all our fox kids can have a better quality of life. We need to raise a total of $1.5M to fund our amazing team of scientists who are testing state-of-the-art gene therapies on our models with the hope that the results will lead to clinical trials.

Thank you so much!
  • $5,150


  • $2,000


  • 13


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