I'm asking for help to stop Josie's suffering. Help to help stop all the kids' suffering. To help end FOXG1 syndrome! 
Please help me share my voice, my life's mission, let's multiply our reach. Magnify our voice. The more who know, the more can help.  

Please share my video with everyone you know and ask them to share with everyone they know! https://youtu.be/NRT7lVuBTJ4 

One day Josie is going to thank you all herself
  • $41,895


  • $50,000


  • 120


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About Josie's Team!

This is the Official Team Josie Fundraising page!  We are here for Josie and for every child in the world who suffers with FOXG1 syndrome. Our children deserve so much more and together, we can help them live a healthy and able life. Thank you to Team Josie! Josie will thank you herself one day!

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